I found a rug on Pinterest that I thought was super cool. It's made of chunky fiber and it was simply knitted with big honkin' needles.
Pinterest Inspriation from http://www.scandinaviandeko.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/DIY_7_97_12_2_nettiin.jpg
The roving |
I didn't know where to start as I've never seen fiber made into yarn of this large gauge, but I thought I'd ask around. One of the firefighters I work with is an Alpaca enthusiast, and she's also a knitter. She said she could sell me some of her lower-grade fleece for a nice price, which I instantly took her up on (I mean, really, I don't need super soft/perfect quality fleece for a rug!) Of course what she sold me was a little dirty so I had to go through it and pick out all the pieces of hay, etc, but otherwise, it's the softest most beautiful fiber EVER!
The wool yarn |
The start of the project! |
I sent it on to get processed into roving (per her suggestion). Unfortunately it took the fiber mill almost 4 months to get it washed and processed, but I've now got it back. So last weekend I bought size 25 cable knitting needles and last night I got started. I'm using 2 strands of chunkier cream-colored soft wool yarn and a strand of the roving. I wasn't sure how many stitches I should first cast on so I started with 22. We'll see if that's enough. If not, I can make two rugs and then just join them together. Regardless, the rug is looking incredible, though it is probably more suited for something like a blanket! It's SO soft. But anyway, it will be perfect for a rug, too. I plan to put it in the baby's room to help muffle some of the sound we have in there now that we don't have carpet in the room. I know I'll need to put one of those sticky mats underneath it or else we'll be surfing on it. But other than that, think it will work beautifully. I guess I am still curious how I will make it so that it doesn't "shed" the fleece, since it's not woven or spun, it's just simply roving. I wonder if walking on it a lot will eventually matte it down. I will have to ask my firefighter friend to see if she has any suggestions. Also, I might need to figure it out sooner than later because my little kitty took a liking to the material and she started licking it last night! So, instead of clogging her guts with this expensive fiber I'd rather it stay in rug-form and serve an actual purpose!
Stay tuned, there's more to come!
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