Craz-tastic Adventures

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Jacket Filled with Mistakes

Here's the jacket! Boy am I glad I made a cheap first-try on this as it is filled with mistakes! Does it look nice? Yes. Is it wearable? Yes. By me? No. (boo hoo). I guess I tried too hard to be Miss Tailor because I made my arms a smaller size than my body/bust...which fit together alright, but because the jacket turned out to be too big for me in the body I will have to find someone to fit the jacket that has a little bigger body than I do, but skinny arms! Oh well. What do you think?
Though you can't see them, I made several mistakes. My biggest mistake (and ultimately the most embarrasing) is the zipper. I stitched the one side of the zipper onto the jacket. I was happy with my results. Then I went to open the zipper and stitch the other side...only to find out...that IT DOESN'T SEPARATE! It's one of those that are fixed on the bottom (I'm SO embarrased!) So, if you want to wear this jacket, you will have to slip the entire thing over your head, somehow get your arms in it, and THEN zip it up! Oh well, no one will know that's the case unless you tell them, right? I'm just hoping that it will fit my Mom so that someone can at least wear it. It's really a nice looking jacket, and the mistakes I made haven't ruined the project from doing its purpose. So, it's fine, really.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Metallic Body

Look what Eric helped me do! :) Isn't it great?

What is it, you ask? Well, it's a bodyform, of course! First, I took a few plastic bags and covered myself with them. Then I had Eric wrap me up in duct tape. Then he cut up the back of the "corset" and I slipped out. Then I patched over the neck, the bottom and the arms and then fully stuffed the body with stuffing and leftover fabric scraps. One minor thing, though. I've got to restuff the bust! My boobs are a little empty. Oh well, I'll cut holes in there and then stuff them more.

This all leads me to the reason why I did this in the first place: I'm going to make myself a horsemanship jacket! This last weekend we went to JoAnn's and I bought some fabric at half-off prices to do my trial run. I like the fabric so if it turns out to look nice I'll have a spare. If not, I'm only out $6.75!!!!
